‘Ohana Family Fitness Program

Currently on hold! If the below interests you to make regular contact and help organize activities please reach out to me! We have a coach team that competes and a Spartan training team at WHEA, but need a firm commitment from a few adults to add the family component.

Starting in January 2019 we embarked on a fitness journey as a dojo! We are excited to grow and launch this program again as it looks like Covid restrictions are easing! Program Basics: there are a group of families at the dojo that commit to a season of training together by writing their own personal health goals and striving to meet them with the support of each other! We want our children and ourselves to be inspired to live a healthier lifestyle! We don’t all need to run marathons or ironmans, but we all feel better when movement, healthy eating and cardio are a regular part of our life! Life with children makes this more difficult, but together in groups we can find ways to make movement and healthy eating a regular part of life! We fund our fitness and fun by helping with an Ironman Aid station, putting on family fitness races and participating in the Peaman races monthly as part of this program.

This year we want to be able to go with a group to Oahu and run Spartan Adult and Kids Obstacle Races together in August - this will take some extra fundraising and planning if there are interested families! If you would like more information about this program as we set details please sign up below!

 2022 Family Fitness Fundraising and Activity Schedule

To be updated further for 2022 dates and activities soon! Jan - July Family Fitness Program - set goals, train hard, race

  1. Goal Writing/Fitness Tracking - complete here

  2. Wednesdays 5pm at Pualani Park - Jan 18-9, 26, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar 2, 23, 30, April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4 (Summer Dates TBA) Come and play, do a workout and get fresh air.

  3. Facebook Group if you are interested - post questions, your successes…

  4. PEAMAN Race Schedule TBD - Once up and running again we will join! Usually there are a group of ninjas at every Peaman Race!

  5. Lava Kids Free Community Race Information http://lavakids.org/

  6. Adults looking to lose weight or gain increased nutritional health - I highly recommend 3 months+ committed to https://www.noom.com/

  7. Tentatively - August 27th 4pm- Fitness Program Celebration party at Pine Trees

  8. August 20/21 2022 - Team ‘Ohana Martial Arts racing at Spartan in Oahu?? - https://race.spartan.com/en/race/detail/7597/overview

  9. June/October 2022 - possibly help with Ironman Aid Station

Please complete the form below to receive more information about our 2022 Family Fitness Program!! (sorry for the legalese, it is necessary to protect the non-profit)

Perpetual Pee.jpg

Perpetual Pea Award

We were super honored to receive the Perpetual Pea award from Peaman himself to hang in our dojo in inspire future PeaWees and Adult Pee Racers!!!! May we have many many more ninja racers and those committed to caring for their bodies in a fun and healthy way! Thank you Peaman - we are so honored!

2019 Celebration Party!
